Qurbana Qadeesha / Holy Eucharist Celebrated at
St. Mary's Parish - Assyrian Church of the East, Los Angeles
by Rev. David Royel, for all the souls of our beloved Assyrian Martyrs
Those who died so that WE & our ASSYRIAN NATION may live.
Remembrance was held at the Assyrian American Association of Southern CA
Shamiram Tabar, president; Atorina Takhsh, MC
GUEST SPEAKERS: Rev. Yacoub, Ancient Church of the East;
Rev. David Royel (the present Patriarch Mar Awa III), Assyrian Church of the East,
Ninous Aho, Hana Hajar, Yousip Bet-Yousip, Ivan Kokovitch,
and Dr. Robert Paulissian.
Photos courtesy of ASSYRIAN ENTERPRISE
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